Package: gamlss 5.4-23

Mikis Stasinopoulos

gamlss: Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape

Functions for fitting the Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape introduced by Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005), <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2005.00510.x>. The models use a distributional regression approach where all the parameters of the conditional distribution of the response variable are modelled using explanatory variables.

Authors:Mikis Stasinopoulos [aut, cre, cph], Robert Rigby [aut], Vlasios Voudouris [ctb], Calliope Akantziliotou [ctb], Marco Enea [ctb], Daniil Kiose [ctb], Achim Zeileis [ctb]

gamlss.pdf |gamlss.html
gamlss/json (API)

# Install 'gamlss' in R:
install.packages('gamlss', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 19 2025
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R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKFeb 19 2025


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shapegamlss-package
Lists used by GAMLSS.binom .counts .gamlss.multin.list .real0to1 .realAll .realline .realplus
ACF plot of the residualsacfResid
Implementing Backfitting in
Functions to fit fractional polynomials in GAMLSSbfp fp pp
Bucket plotbp
Calibrating centile curvescalibration
Plots the centile curves for a GAMLSS objectcentiles
Comparing centiles from different GAMLSS
Creating predictive centiles valuescentiles.pred
Plots centile curves split by x for a GAMLSS objectcentiles.split
Extract Model Coefficients in a GAMLSS fitted modelcoef.gamlss coefAll
Specify a Smoothing Cubic Spline Fit in a GAMLSS Formulacs cs.control scs
Global Deviance of a GAMLSS modeldeviance.gamlss
The global deviance incrementdevianceIncr
Detrended transformed Owen's plotdtop
Effective degrees of freedom from gamlss modeledf edfAll
A function to select values of hyper-parameters in a GAMLSS modelfind.hyper
Fitting Different Parametric '' Distributions.chooseDist chooseDistPred fitDist fitDistPred getOrder
Extract Fitted Values For A GAMLSS Modelfitted.gamlss fv
Plots The Fitted Values of a GAMLSS ModelfittedPlot
Extract the Model Formula in a GAMLSS fitted modelformula.gamlss
Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shapegamlss gamlssNews is.gamlss
Auxiliary for Controlling GAMLSS Fittinggamlss.control
Support for Function cs() and scs()gamlss.cs
Support for Function fp()gamlss.fp gamlss.pp
Support for Function lo()gamlss.lo
Support for Functions for gamlss.pb gamlss.pbc gamlss.pbm gamlss.pbo gamlss.pbp gamlss.pbz gamlss.pvc gamlss.ri
Support for Functions random() and re()gamlss.random
Generate a Scope Argument for Stepwise GAMLSSgamlss.scope
Maximum Likelihood estimation of a simple GAMLSS modelgamlssML gamlssMLpred
A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validationadd1TGD CV drop1TGD gamlssCV gamlssVGD getTGD stepTGD stepTGDAll.A TGD VGD
A function to generate the likelihood function from a GAMLSS objectgen.likelihood
Getting the partial effect function from a continuous term in a GAMLSS modelgetPEF
Getting the partial quantile function for a termgetQuantile
Extracting Smoother information from a GAMLSS fitted objectgetSmo
Auxiliary for Controlling the inner algorithm in a GAMLSS Fittingglim.control
This function plots the histogram and a fitted (GAMLSS family) distribution to a variablehistDist
Density estimation using the Poisson trickhistSmo histSmoC histSmoO histSmoP
Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS ObjectAIC.gamlss extractAIC.gamlss GAIC GAIC.scaled GAIC.table IC
A function to fit LMS curves for centile estimationlms
Specify a loess fit in a GAMLSS formulalo lo.control vis.lo
Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the dataECDF loglogplot loglogplot0 loglogSurv loglogSurv1 loglogSurv2 loglogSurv3 logSurv logSurv0
Extract Linear Predictor Values and Standard Errors For A GAMLSS Modellp lpred
Likelihood Ratio test for nested GAMLSS modelsLR.test
Extract a model.frame, a model matrix or terms from a GAMLSS object for a given distributional parametermodel.frame.gamlss model.matrix.gamlss terms.gamlss
An internal GAMLSS function for numerical derivativesnumeric.deriv
A function to plot parallel plot for repeated measurement datapar.plot
Reduction for the Levels of a Factor.gamlss.pcat pcat plotDF plotLambda
Plots Probability Distribution Functions for GAMLSS Familypdf.plot
Plot Residual Diagnostics for an GAMLSS Objectplot.gamlss
A Plotting Function for density estimator object histSmoplot.histSmo
Function to plot two interaction in a GAMLSS modelplot2way
Auxiliary support for the GAMLSSpoly.matrix polyS
Extract Predictor Values and Standard Errors For New Data In a GAMLSS Modelpredict.gamlss predictAll
Prints a GAMLSS fitted modelprint.gamlss
Extracting Fitted or Predicted Probability Distributions from gamlss Modelsprodist.gamlss
Plotting the Profile Deviance for one of the Parameters in a GAMLSS
Plotting the Profile: deviance or information criterion for one of the terms (or hyper-parameters) in a GAMLSS modelprof.term
P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula.hat.WX cy cy.control getZmatrix pb pb.control pbc pbc.control pbm pbm.control pbo pbo.control pbp pbp.control pbz pbz.control ps pvc pvc.control
A function to calculate the Q-statisticsQ.stats
Quantile SheetsfindPower quantSheets quantSheets.control z.scoresQS
Specify a random intercept model in a GAMLSS formularandom re
Refit a GAMLSS modelrefit
Extract Residuals from GAMLSS modelresiduals.gamlss
Specify ridge or lasso Regression within a GAMLSS Formulari
Creating and Plotting Randomized Quantile Residualsget.rqres rqres.plot
Generalised (Pseudo) R-squared for GAMLSS modelsRsq
Robust Variance-Covariance matrix of the parameters from a fitted GAMLSS modelget.K rvcov
Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithmadd1All drop1All stepGAIC stepGAIC.CH stepGAIC.VR stepGAICAll.A stepGAICAll.B
Summarizes a GAMLSS fitted modelsummary.gamlss
Plot regression terms for a specified parameter of a fitted GAMLSS objectterm.plot
Update and Re-fit a GAMLSS Modelupdate.gamlss
Vuong and Clarke testsVC.test
Worm plotwp
Z-scores for lms objectsz.scores